Started the fuselage finishing on 11/28/2004 with mounting
the cowling, covering the firewall with "flight metal" which is adhesive backed
aluminum tape. The "machine turned" finish was done with a Dremel brass
brush and a lot of time. Three sides of the fuselage were covered with the
Solartex antique Ivory color shrink fabric followed by more aluminum tape.
The cheek blocks were covered with tape as well. Finally the hatch was
covered with tape and polished. During the way the engine was mounted and
the fuel lines and throttle servo installed. The JR 8611 stump pullers
were installed with an odd assortment of hardware but generally all large scale
4-40 rods and ball connectors on the bell cranks for the pull pull system.
The JR 9303 transmitter makes setting up the multiple servos for the elevators a
cinch. I'm using the R/cats relay switch unit for the engine ignition kill
switch. This relay allows for fail-safe operation of the engine ignition
as well as normal operation of the kill switch from the transmitter without
using an additional servo and micro-switch arrangement.
Photos as of 12/18/2004

Landing Gear

New Photos as of 1/26/05
Landing gear finished, elevators attached, pull-pull
cables rigged, Iron-crosses applied to fuselage and rudder
